Park safety and trail etiquette

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Park Rules and Guidelines

What to do if you encounter a horse

General Mountain Bike Rules and Guidelines

  1. All designated MTB trails are one way only. Follow directional markers and if you cannot clearly see the trail head signage, do not enter the track.
  2. Maintain an appropriate distance between riders.
  3. Slower riders should pull over where safe to let faster riders pass. Pass other trail users with care, keeping to the right.
  4. Trail use may be restricted for safety reasons at various times or for special events.
  5. Pedestrians are not permitted on the dedicated mountain bike trails and should always cross trails with extreme care.
  6. Slow down at MTB and equestrian trail intersections and watch for other users.
  7. Ride your MTB at a controlled speed, especially approaching blind corners.
  8. Avoid riding in wet, muddy conditions.
  9. Plan your ride, know the distance and approximate ride time of your intended route and take appropriate food and water.
  10. Organisers of a planned event may change course procedures at their discretion and must advise all users of these changes prior to their participation. Clear signage and event marshals must be provided at intersections with public trails.
  11. Avoid walking up and crossing trails.
  12. Mountain bikes must only be ridden on approved trails, which have been mapped out by venue management.
  13. Carry a mobile phone, especially if you are riding on your own. Know who to call in an emergency, either 000 or a friend or park management.
  14. Report problems with trail conditions to the UCSFP management on 02 6207 7874, 9am-4pm daily or email

University of Canberra Stromlo Forest Park (UC Stromlo) Rules of the Trail (adapted from IMBA Rules of the Trail)

Respect the Landscape

Share the Trail

Ride Open, Legal Trails

Ride in Control

Plan Ahead

Mind the Animals

UC Stromlo E-bike Policy

The use of E-bikes or power-assisted pedal cycles (Pedalec) which are vehicles complying with the requirements of European Standard EN 15194: 2009 or EN 15194:2009+A1:2009: ‘Cycles – Electrically power assisted cycles – EPAC Bicycles’ are permitted within UCSFP.

To comply with EN 15194:

For more information, please see the SFP Public Use Policy

Photo credit: (Tile) Nick Waygood Photography